Winnipeg Recap!

I have been pretty absent vlog and blog wise! BONJOUR! I am still alive and kickin’!

When ever we go back to Winnipeg to visit our family (my in laws), it gets crazy booked FAST. We have a lot of family and friends so I didn’t feel like vlogging. Just too much going on, and I didn’t want to feel overwhelmed to edit and upload each day.

Winnipeg was fun, I find each time I go back it gives me time to better get to know my new family. It can suck living so far from them, but we make it work. I already miss them!

While I was there, I went to Moksha Winnipeg. They had a travelers pass for $40 which included towels and mat use. It lasted a week and I got in 5 classes. Pretty good I thought!


Then there was a CRAZY rain storm. They got one month of rain in 90 minutes. This was a picture that I took after brunch the next day with my brother in laws girlfriend. Craziness.

IMG_6056Matt and I worked out together a few times. I find the best way to get a workout with Matt that we both enjoy is if there is competition. So we ran a few sprints and races while we were playing frisbee with the pooch!


I managed to get in a couple runs as well. I always like running there, but usually it can be a bit too humid for my liking. However, it was pretty cool for the ten days we were there. I managed to get one long run in. It was pretty hot that day but it was great. I really love running when in new places. You get to see the town from a new angle and possibly find things you may want to do later on.

IMG_6071I ran down St. Mary’s, to Broadway, to Osbourne, then looped off to the BDI (Bridge Drive in).


Fun fact about Jenn’s family..we are related to this guy … Louis Riel.


Matt and I had a coupon to use and we woke up pretty late so we probably wouldn’t have been able to go otherwise. But no one gets between me and my ice cream ;). So I had him meet me there.



I went with a twist cone and Matt got his usual vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. I would have a photo but it was so hot and it was melting fast. I had to take action!


Before the trip, I had my HR monitor battery changed. So here was the total caloric burn for those interested:


And the total distance. It was planned out to be 18 km, but I was running on very little sleep and it was hot. If I had to, I could totally have done I don’t feel too bad. I have been pretty “lax” with my training for this half. Not going for any PRs or anything so ya. The race is in Canmore, AB on the 7th. Which yes, is the day of our friend Jodi’s wedding (I will have plenty of time to get ready..don’t worry ;)).

IMG_6076Another highlight of the trip? my amazing mother in law taught me how to crochet. My sister in law, Steph and I have become addicted. My current project is making a turban style headband to keep my ears warm for fall/winter hehe! ….and yes I have totally brought my old lady status up to a new level…now can someone just get me 4 cats that would be great.

We are now at our family cabin in Point Roberts, Washington and then we go off to Portland!….where I may just be spouting off Portlandia quotes. I apologize in advance, Matt. Love you 😉



Let me know if you have ANY recommendations of things to do, see, or eat while in Portland, OR!!


2 thoughts on “Winnipeg Recap!

  1. The BDI! I have been there twice. Once on a trip with my ex to visit his family, and again when I was moving home from Halifax and driving across the country. I actually had no intention of stopping in Winnipeg, but on my way from Kenora to Regina I decided to make a stop specifically for ice cream at the BDI! I searched for it on my Blackberry (it was 2010 afterall) and then used my TomTom GPS to find my way. Totally worth it! 🙂

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