Cannon Beach, OR- Day three of the road trip

So since we leave this hotel today, I figured I would tell you where we stayed since we would highly recommend it. We stayed at the Seaside Holiday Inn. The service was amazing and the rooms were perfect. Nothing better than a super comfy king size bed after having a night in a super uncomfortable motel. SLEPT LIKE A BABY. Also, can’t complain with complimentary breakfast ;)!

I rolled out of bed around 7:30 and got out for a run. I ran along the “Prom” and then looped out onto the beach to get back. It was windy but absolutely perfect. It is just too pretty here!


Ended up going for a 5 km. I have been aiming to be active for 30 minutes a day. I was short by a little bit. Boohoo (sarcasm). IMG_2029

We adventured out to Cannon Beach (as the title suggests). I have seen pictures and was excited to experience it with Matt! The drive was maybe 20 minutes and totally worth it.

IMG_1994Matt and I just love thinking about this kinda thing. Ready yourself, it is probably nerdy. But think about how those rocks formed? (What I warned you it was nerdy!) Pretty neato.

IMG_1995 Behold my smurf..err..I mean husband…and his beloved blue hoodie 🙂

IMG_2015I could not for the life of me get a picture I liked so here we go. I looked like cousin It with my hair all over the place. #longhairproblems #whydidntitieupmymop

I couldn’t get over how windy it was. But it was beautiful nonetheless! We decided to grab some lunch on the beach at Mo’s. The hilarious part is a lovely reader (Bethany) commented yesterday just as we sat down and ordered haha! I ended up ordering the chowder like she suggested and MAN…talk about amazing. I LOVE clam chowder!

IMG_2017Also they gave us an amazing seat. I would suggest this place again, but I probably wouldn’t have gotten the entree I went with. I went with fish and chips. Should have gone with my main choice. That is what I get for changing my mind!

We headed back to the hotel for a bit, walked around, had some pretty disappointing dinner hence why I am not bothering with showing the pictures. Let’s just say if you are in Seaside, avoid the one and only Italian restaurant. It was clear a lot of the seafood was frozen and not fresh. Yes, I channel my inner Gordon Ramsay at times. ❤

Now where are we going next :O?

Seaside, OR – Day two of the road trip

We left Port Angeles, WA yesterday morning and hit this beautiful scenic drive for about 5.5 hours. We stocked up on some healthy yummy road snacks as I mentioned yesterday. It was perfect!

20140530-100943-36583278.jpgI tried out this for the first time. If you aren’t a fan of chia or you are bothered by textures.. this may not be your thing. But I enjoyed it!

20140530-100943-36583601.jpgThe yummiest strawberries!

Then we found this amazing hummus. Spinach and artichoke NOM!!! we had baby carrots and baby sweet peppers with it.


The beautiful shores, fresh air, and gorgeous lush greenery.. ah! this was absolutely breathtaking.

20140530-100944-36584172.jpgWe stopped in Astoria, Or for a little potty break.


Then it was only another half hour or so until we got to Seaside..which, little did I know, HAD OUTLETS. Not so great outlets but they had the one store that matters most to this girl. Nike!! Came out with this little sassy number.

IMG_1993I almost went uber matchy with just a plain orange and blue singlet.. but I loved the cut of this one. Don’t get me wrong. LOVE me some uber matchy running outfits. After shopping, we grabbed some grub. Yes, another burger and fries joint. I am indulging way more than expected just doing my best to not binge. I will get more on it with my fix when I get home that is for sure!

IMG_1990It was pretty good. It was rated 5/5 stars on Yelp. I gotta say that the fries were not as good as the night before. Some were cold.. but eh it was okay. We then went for a walk to the beach. Also, grabbed some good ol’ ice cream goodness. You know you are a Canadian when you are walking in a super windy cold place in shorts and ice cream in hand.. right? We had some looks since it was SUPER windy and cold. But it was unbelievable the views. YOU KNOW I was planning a beach run the next morning.


You know I channeled my inner 5 year old and ate my ice cream on the swings with Matt.



Then we headed to the hotel. This place is amazing. Can I live here? Please?!

Port Angeles, WA- Day 1 of the road trip!

As I mentioned, we are on a road trip! I seriously love being on the road with Matt. We travel very well together. So we took the Coho Blackball ferry over to Port Angeles, WA first thing yesterday morning. That was a new experience that I enjoyed. Quick and easy.. and fairly comfortable.

We were STARVING after. Since we didn’t have much in our fridge before we left, my breakfast was Greek yogurt, sweetened with honey and some berries..but I forgot to bring a snack. So we were both starved. We stopped at this little hole in the wall along the drive and we both thought “well we are hungry, I doubt this will be great.” But, as it always turns out with places like this, IT WAS AMAZING. Mind you, I am super okay with Mexican food most times anyway. Nom.



Burrito El Puerto and a margarita on the rocks.

We checked into our place. We stayed in Port Angeles, WA so we didn’t have to drive the first part of the drive and get there in the evening. We settled in, I did a little bit of work and then we set off for a nice little walk around town. Port Angeles is beautiful! Something about it reminds me of one of the small towns up in the interior of BC (minus the ocean).

We came back after looking around a few antique shops for fun, and I decided I would lace up for a workout. Little bit of running, stair climbing and a couple tabatas for some strength. ( I plan on recording some things for you guys over on my Youtube channel. When I started my journey, stuff like this was what made me successful with my weight loss. You really don’t need a gym pass if you don’t want to! ) I did about 30 minutes total. Just what you need really! Then went back to clean up a little. We hit up the grocery store for some road snacks. Healthier choices! This is what we came out with:

  • strawberries
  • baby sweet peppers (my choice.. oh yum!)
  • baby carrots (Matt’s choice. Fun fact, raw carrots give me bad tummy aches!)
  • tortilla wraps
  • cheese
  • hot sauce
  • a rotisserie chicken
  • hummus
  • kombucha  (for me since I don’t think Matt enjoys it much)
  • and mama chia (also for me)

My goal is to keep active while away and to make good healthy choices but still allow myself to indulge. CLEARLY. As you will see from my food choices here. Hello burrito… wait til you see dinner. MY GOSH, it was marvelous!

I checked two of my favourite apps to use when looking for places to eat.. Yelp and Around Me. We decided to check out “Next Door Gastropub.”


I mean, they had a “build your own fries” and “build your own mac and cheese” section on their menu. How does one not get tempted by something like that? Well.. maybe if you aren’t a cheese or fries person.. but I am both of those things. We ordered some Local beef from Tacoma, WA, and got our burgers and fries. They had so many interesting options for burgers. Some included coffee rubs on the meat, some had peanut butter in them..some had jam in them. Craziness. Matt and I, being not so adventurous, went with the “black and bleu” burgers. You guessed it. Bleu cheese and bacon. I went with garlic Parmesan fries since that just sounds unbelievable in my books. Matt is a yam fries kinda guy.



Yes it was just as amazing as how it looks.

They have a marathon coming through this little cute town on Sunday. Kinda wish I had known, but eh.. there is always next time! I have Piyo to get to instead!

Question of the day: What are some of your favourite road tripping snacks?


How to get yourself out of a funk

Do you ever have those days, weeks… or even months where you just feel like you are static? you are not changing. You are not getting out of your comfort zone. Just.. nothing is happening?

That has been me for the last little while. Sure I have been working out but I haven’t been fueling the way I could be. I haven’t been challenging myself with my work. In fact, I have SLACKED with my work. I apologize if I haven’t been quick to replying with you if you have been contacting me for coaching or training. I have been an anxious mess to be honest. I haven’t felt like me. Meaning.. though I am a planning ADDICT. I write EVERYTHING down. Yet, I have managed to let things slip through the cracks. I have overwhelmed myself with a TON of things to do that I feel paralyzed and I don’t get things done. Hate that.

I don’t like not knowing what our move in date is. I don’t like that I have been comparing myself to others. I don’t like that I have allowed myself to slip into a negative slump. Not cool, man. So now what? CHANGE. That is what.

Before bed last night I wrote this on my “desk” (the quotes are because my desk is currently a whiteboard over top of some plastic storage bins..):


Drink water

Be grateful (name 2 things)


Sweat it out

Sometimes, we need to slow down in order to speed up. I have said this before. I always seem to forget. It is okay to be human. It is okay to sit back and think “what needs change here.” Reflection is what helps us grow. So I woke up, took some breaths, had 32 ounces of water, thought about the amazing people I have in my life that I am grateful for, smiled, and got my sweat on.


Cardio and Plyo fix because I felt I needed a good long HARD sweat session. Man I felt ROUGH during it. Always the case after eating poorly for an extended period of time. But after? BOY did I feel good. As they say, no one regret a workout!

Tomorrow Matt and I will be off on a roadtrip. We had some free night stays at some hotels and we felt we needed some one on one time to reconnect. Love some husby and wifey time.( Ew. Yes I just said that. Ew. Sorry. So very sorry.)

Cannot wait to show you all snippets of our trip! ❤ I am also getting Piyo certified while we are down there because.. well…we are just gonna be in that area at that time and..why not? Don’t know what Piyo is? here is a bit of a look into it.


Oh and last but not least.. I wanna show you an update on my sweet golf-ball-induced-bruise because I am a classy broad like that. I know I said I wasn’t going to do this.. but this is just too awesome..err..okay maybe a bit gross too.

IMG_1918That was taken yesterday.. it is a bit different looking today but hey, it will heal up. 😉 But seriously? who ever thought I would get nailed by a golf ball on a race? At the time it sucked and hurt SO bad..but now it is kinda funny in a “what the..” kinda way. Anywho, I am done here. BYEEEEEE!

Oak Bay Half Marathon Recap

Yesterday was the Oak Bay half marathon. My brother came over to run the event with me, and we were both pleased to see it was looking dry. It stayed overcast the entire time, with the exception of a few mini drops of rain. It was perfect temperature really! My lovely neighbor and really good friend Gabe dropped us off and saw us off at the start.



So I will say it took my body about 5 km to wake up and be like “okay we are doing this.” Then what happens? if you have me on your Facebook or Twitter you know. I GOT HIT BY A GOLF BALL. Well that is a first. Lucky for me it was just my thigh and nothing more serious. I kept thinking about it as “well at least no one got seriously injured” but HOLY OW. So every step I took, ever jiggle of my butt…it stung. You are welcome for that visual by the way.  I was going to show you guys a picture of this beautiful blue, purple and green masterpiece on my thigh.. but I know it can be a bit graphic so I will refrain.

Around 14 km I finally got my head back in the game. I never stopped running, though I did tear up a little. Just choked back the tears and did my best to keep going. Sure it stung but it couldn’t have been that bad.

The course was great but I feel like it is different from the last time I ran it. It was an out and back course and I don’t remember it being that way before. But that could be my memory failing me. It still finished up the big hill on Newport turning onto Oak Bay.

At 18 km Josh and I were feeling pretty good, but Josh felt like he wanted to slow down a bit. We have an understanding that if one of us is feeling good to let the other go ahead. Just make sure there is a meeting place in place. I went ahead at 19 km and started picking up. I don’t know how it happened but I was managing sub 5 minute kms for the last few kms.. until the big hill. Either way, I finished at 2:07:11. Considering it all, I don’t feel too bad about it. My head wasn’t 100% into it the entire time after all.


Now for the unhealthy stuff.. I was STARVING after the race. Mainly because I woke up with no desire to have breakfast so I just decided to force a Shakeology down. Best option in this kind of situation if you ask me. So we bussed back home and showered up to go out for Brunch. We decided to try out a place that a lot of my friends in Victoria LOVE. Floyd’s Diner.


Prepare yourself for unhealthy food pics from this point on.. I was not balanced with my eating whatsoever haha!

Both Josh and I were overwhelmed with all the choices. We both were stuck between two choices and decided to order those options and do a little switch-a-roo part way through. So what did we go with? a Canadian favourite, Poutine…and some french toast.. LOOK HOW BIG THE SERVINGS ARE (that looks like an entire loaf of bread for the french toast). We did not finish if you were wondering.


IMG_5258Oy! it was a bit ridiculous. We actually did not eat until dinner because it was just too much.. then we got piggy with it again.

Matt came home and we decided to go to one of my favourite places, the Flying Otter. We took advantage of the beer and wings special.. and I so did not finish my dinner because of it. Oh well.



And then they rolled this piggy wee wee wee all the way home. Oy. Wanted to show you guys the good, the bad, and the ugly! Sometimes stuff like this happens. As much as part of me feels guilty, I need to move on and know this isn’t a normal thing. I do not do this on the regular. Time to pick up, brush off and move on! I sure am paying for it now. My body isn’t too pleased with me!

Reassessing the plan (21 day fix round 2)

So this week we started the 21 day fix group for the month of May. Everyone is kicking major BUTT. So proud of everyone!

However, for my second round, I was feeling..restricted. What? I really didn’t get it. I was feeling miserable with my food choices, I was craving “food” (aka junk)  and I was so hungry I wanted to eat off my arm. I know coming off the marathon training, it can be that way for me. But I don’t believe you should feel STARVING when trying to make healthier choices. So I reassessed what I was doing. Instead of using a lower bracket, I have bumped myself up. After doing that.. *angelic choir singing* I feel SO much better!!!! Less cranky. Less tired. Less starving. Clearly I wasn’t fueling my body enough on that bracket. I am still running quite a bit, so I need to remember that.

I found myself getting caught up in the diet mentality. If you have read the book I recommend to no end (Intuitive Eating) then you know what I am talking about. I started second guessing this reassessment of caloric intake because…less is better for weight loss right? *Face palm* NO. MORE nutrient dense foods in proper portions with activity will help with that. I still struggle with a lot of my disordered eating from time to time. I definitely felt on the edge of triggering my B.E.D. all again this week. Hence why I made this decision to up my bracket. I think it was a good decision on my part.

Slow, sustainable weight loss overtime is best in my situation (and for majority of people). I haven’t talked too much about my goals in terms of weight loss, but that is my goal for this summer. After last year, my B.E.D was triggered from working with the coach and things spiraled out for me. Long story short, I am about 20-30 lbs heavier than my ideal weight.

Now before I get comments on “You don’t have that much to lose” “could be muscle” or  “you look fine” know that this is not to fit into a certain size or be a number on the scale (though I realize that sounds contradictory since I just mentioned how much away from an ideal weight I am..). I want to FEEL a certain way again. I just know this isn’t ALL muscle gain. (Case in point.. Boobs..ya those aren’t muscle. My boobs are bigger…moving on).  Also, muscle isn’t that easy and quick to gain in some cases.

Anyway, I want to do what I can to get my body to a place where it can preform like it did in 2012. That last marathon in 2012..I was on my GAME. I wanna feel that strong and fit again. Don’t get me wrong, I feel great now. But I know I have a great potential to work with here. So I will not be weighing in every week with you guys. I am just letting you know it is something I am working on to better my training. I have a big goal of qualifying for Boston before I am 30.. and you know what? I will do that. But you also wanna know what? I have to qualify with a 3:35 finish. HOLY CATS. Yeah. So if I can get down a few lbs, that will definitely help. I also plan on strengthening my body too, so with that will come muscle gain. I want to get away from that focus with the scale as much as I can. I just want to feel changes in my body that I know will give me results on the road with my training.

Hope that made sense. I feel like I am just blurting out random things at this point. Just wanted to give you a little insight into me and my goals :).




It is almost move in time!

Sorry for the silence lately. It feels like I have just needed a bit of a break from my Youtube and blogging for a week or so. We have a lot going on lately!

Matt and I are in the midst of selling furniture, packing and planning for our future. We are moving into a condo we put money down on.. err.. 2.5 years ago? something like that. It is FINALLY ready enough for us to move in in the next month or so. You KNOW we are excited.


This is our first home that is OURS. Something really special about that. We have a few big career and life goals and plans for the next few years (no don’t get to excited.. we aren’t popping out mini Jenn’s or Matt’s any time soon). So everything is just so exciting..

SIDE NOTE: Why do people get so weirded out when my answer to “how do you like married life” is “I LOVE IT!” Is it really that weird? maybe next time someone asks I will say “ugh it is the WORST.. I hate it” just to change things up and see their reaction. HA. Kidding, probably don’t have the ovaries to do that (what.. I am making that saying sex appropriate..).

While organizing last night I came across my medals and race bibs.


I cannot wait to have a space for these to be displayed. If you remember in my older place, I had them hung up on my medal hanger. I still have that medal hanger, and I hope to put it up somewhere. As silly as this may be to some, these hunks of medal represent a lot for me. They bring me a lot of inspiration, motivation, happiness and nostalgia. I can remember most of these races really well. The emotions filling my body. The pain in my body. The feeling of accomplishment as I finished the race.. or at least the huge relief of “Thank GOSH that is over with” for my not-so-great races. They mean a lot to me. Yes, I keep all my race bibs on a ring as well. Did I tell you I am a pack rat? well.. I am.

In other news…

I am a few days into round 2 of the fix. Gotta say my  marathon hungries are SLOWLY getting better. But the last two days I did want to eat my arm off, so there is that. I will definitely share with you my results once we are closer to the end. I am doing my best to work hard on this round! Also, I have been running to keep my body ready to take on the Oak Bay half marathon on May 25th. I am aiming for under 2 hours, but we will see! Haven’t raced that distance in a WHILE. My brother is planning to come over for the race too since he wanted to run the BMO one, but didn’t get in to register in time (Plus that registration was CRAZY expensive).

Well, that is everything. Wanted to give a little check in since I have been pretty quiet on the blogisphere lately. I have done a few posts but I am not as consistent as I would like to be. However, I am not doing anything exciting. Unless you think putting furniture up for sale and packing is exciting. If you do, you should really come over and help me out! 😉


So what next?

First two races of the year are in the books. Transamerica Rock and Roll San Francisco half marathon and the BMO Vancouver full marathon.

I just updated my Running tab here on my blog and while typing in the year and finish time it made me realize..holy. I really haven’t run a marathon since the end of 2012. Well, duh, Jenn. But really. That sounds like such a long time ago. I will admit, after my finish on Sunday.. I wasn’t proud right off the bat. I was in pain. I was emotional. I was miserable from running in the pouring rain and wind. But then it kicked in.. I ran a freakin’ marathon. That feeling of being able to carry your body for 26.2 miles? that will never get old for me. The human form really is amazing when you think of it.

So what now? what next?

I have racing fever. I already signed up for my next half. YUP! Oak Bay Half Marathon! I ran this one before and it is a beautiful course. Thought, why not. I also have invited my brother out to run it with me and it looks like he is on board :). Here is hoping mother nature is a bit more on our side this time!

What else? I think I got a full dose of crazy in me.

I was talking to the lovely Solana about her experience with trail running and ultras… and it made me think…”should I embark on a new kind of running?” I always thought I would do at least one ultra. The 50k distance seems doable at this point. I want to get more into trail running. It is something that makes me a little uneasy being a predominantly road only runner. But it also makes me excited to see what this body can do. I love being in the outdoors. I love being in the trails. I don’t mind getting a little muddy. So why not? So guys, I haven’t 100% decided yet. But this is what I am contemplating. The Baker Lake 50 k in Washington state…in October. I will keep you up to date with what I decide. I hope to have made my decision in the next month or so.

So that is that for now! I am winding down from my morning run now. I felt good considering I ran a marathon a few days ago. I have an RMT sports massage appointment in a few hours to work out the knots in my body.

For my running readers..

QUESTION OF THE DAY!  have you ever run an ultra? if so, what distance?
if not, would you consider running one?

BMO Vancouver Marathon Recap

I don’t want to write a novel for you guys, so I will do my best to just touch on the various feelings I had throughout the race.


Start line to 10 km


First, I was confused that two intersections were not closed off. Then I realized they probably couldn’t have since they were two major intersections. So they had timing mats before and after the intersection that would pause and start up your chip time. So the time that was published onto my FB automatically was incorrect since it didn’t take that into consideration. I realized I started off WAY too fast. I kept saying to myself “slow down,” but did I? NOPE. I scrapped the strategy I had in place for weeks.. and just let my ego take over. Mistake #2. What was #1 you ask? oh, well I did the biggest rookie mistake. Wore crappy socks. So I had blisters within the first 10 km. Lovely right? My own fault on both parts. So I deserved it.

I didn’t feel too bad on Camosun. I had been warned about this hill before. I remember Jess talking about that hill when I ran with her last year on 16th Ave for a few steps! I think I made it up to be horrible in my head and had ran MANY horrible long hills in my training to prep for it. So I felt pretty good running the entire hill.

11 km to 21.1 km

At 12 km, my friend Caroline and her dog were out in the rain cheering! SO sweet of her to brave the conditions. Really meant so much to see her pretty face (seriously! thank you so much for coming out! just those few seconds of seeing you gave me such a boost and totally made my morning!). Then after the out and back on Blanca, around 15ish km….I got a bad case of the “negative nancys.” I was doing what I could to not focus on how much I didn’t want to be out there. Just focused on my music and other things I am looking forward to in the upcoming months. Mistake #3 “hey maybe I can get to the half way point earlier and REALLY pick it up to be within minutes of my previous time! (sub 4 hr).” NOPE. Bad idea Jenn.. but did I go for it anyway? YUP. *eye roll*

I hit the half way point with a chip time of 2:15:19

Sore? YUP. Tighhhhht hips and two blister growing by the minute.

21.2 km to 32 km

At 22 ish km I saw my friend Jon. (Jon, thank you SO much for coming out. Gotta say, little scared to see those pictures you took. I felt like a hot mess!) My gosh. Then at 22.8ish km, I saw Steven. Steven and I met at our first marathon clinic at the Running Room. He ran with me for a few yards and then peeled off. Then at 23 km, I saw my Dad. THAT really surprised me. He had been following me on “find my friends” app. Seriously great idea for those who have runners in their family. Makes tracking them on course easy. He took a billion and one pictures and video clips of me and my rat nest hair. Rain, running + long hair = I BIG MESS.


I had to adjust my shoe about 3 or 4 times around 25 km. The tongue of the shoe started to fold and then put pressure on my foot and made it super sore. Since feet can swell during this kind of distance, this wasn’t a surprise. Annoying to stop and retie over and over to get the right tightness though! Around 29- 30 km I got a second wind, sorta. The Burrard St bridge has been my nemesis since running BMO back before they changed the course. The old course went over the bridge twice and the slight incline used to kill me. But since my brother and I run it regularly, it felt good to be running up it strong! After getting into English Bay and seeing “32 km” on the big blue km marker.. I kept thinking “okay.. only 10.2 km left, Jenn.” Little did I know how brutal this 10 km was going to be..

33 km to the finish line

BRUTAL. At this point, most runners are kinda mentally all over the place. So instead of signaling or looking behind them before they stop dead in their tracks.. they just stop anyway. Great when you have little coordination in your body. There were a lot of close calls, but no crashes for me! The rain and gusts of wind around some corners were hard to deal with, but I stuck with my 10 and 1 run to walk ratio regardless of how sore I was. The thing about this park is, you forget how long the seawall is when you have already run in the rain for a few hours. I was constantly running and thinking “okay, the bridge is around this corner…NOPE…” Annoying but it is what it is. There are a lot of holes and drains to watch for as well on this path, so it could make running tricky.

37 km, the emotions kicked in. I was reflecting on things I went through last year (recap of this below for those who don’t know). My eyes were tearing up, but I choked it all back. Then 38 km? bring on the inspirational quotes from Children’s hospital patients. I read maybe two of them and I was getting the lower lip quiver, Seeing beautiful words that were said from these brave children. AH, way to make a girl want to cry! Did my best not to cry again, though. These tears were not sad tears. They were tears of being proud of how far I have come mentally. It wasn’t easy…and I lost a lot of belief in myself last year. NOW I was showing myself that I was a lot stronger than I thought I was. 40 km? I couldn’t hold the tears any more. I did start crying quietly to myself as I shuffled. Hips full of pain, lungs a bit sore from huffing and puffing, but a lot of pride in my heart. Seeing the 1 km left marker? GOSH I can’t tell you how much of a relief it was…however it was uphill. Drats. When the finisher gates came up, I did my best to choke the tears back again. I sped up as much as my body would let me. I always like to finish a race hard, but my body physically could only let me get up to a 6:05 pace. My stride was significantly shorter for the last 10 km of the run since my hips were so tight.

I finished with an official chip time of 4:34:29. With an average pace of 6:31/ km.

My slowest marathon, but one of my most emotional ones. Here is a little back story for those who have not been around to read or watch my videos in the last year or so:

Little back story…

As you know, this was my 8th full marathon. However, it was my first marathon back after a year and a bit off. If you have been gone for a while, here is a fast-ish recap of why I stopped in the first place.

After finishing my research for my final university paper on female body shaming (more specifically with women with muscle) I thought I would try to do one competition. I interviewed a few competitors and it seemed like an interesting lifestyle to me. Something was very intriguing, but scary for me nonetheless. Anyway, I hired a coach and hired them for 4 months until I realized how damaging it all was to me. My obsessive personality traits came out. I was constantly looking for a new change in my body everyday. I lost weight TOO fast. I ate the same meals every single day for a month. I was in the gym 2 times a day 5 days a week. I was told to stop doing what I loved most.. running distance. After stopping the work with the coach, I was in a dark space. My disordered eating was triggered, and to top it off one of my family members passed. It all spiraled me out into a very dark place. I felt super lost and lonely, even though I wasn’t physically alone. I felt like I was going crazy and I didn’t know how to explain it to my husband at all until I had a breakdown one night. We decided that something had to happen to see change. This wasn’t okay. I knew something had to be changed around and I looked to getting back into running. So I didn’t run consistently from mid April to about December. Just the odd run here and there. Since I did put on about 20ish lbs, and I absolutely was ANGRY with myself…this didn’t seem like an easy task at all.

I decided the marathon was what I needed back in my life. Those months leading up to training, and the 4 months of training for the race were an uphill battle. A lot of self hate and self doubt…soon turned into more self love and only a little doubt ;). I was slowly seeing ME again. So you may be able to see how this race was such an emotional one for me. I felt fearless in that moment. Though I was an emotional mess and in a lot of pain.. I felt on top of the world. That I could do anything. THIS is one of the many reasons I love this distance. It shows me that I CAN do whatever I put my mind and work into.


Thoughts before marathon #8

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a ball of emotions. I am happy. I am scared. I am excited. I am nervous. I have been asked “How? you have done this so many times before!” but you know what? this time is different. To be honest, I had a lot of self doubt and self hate that I had to overcome throughout the course of the last 8 or 9 months. I lost my path. I felt passionless. I felt lost. Kinda crazy how running, or lack there of, can have that kind of effect on me.

So this training was much more than training for a marathon. This training has brought me back to my happy place. It was a long uphill battle, but I am getting back to where I wanted to be. After my stint of looking towards competing last year.. my legs were different. My whole life I had strong, muscular legs. This was the first time in my life that my legs were losing their strength and became quite soft. The combination of eating very little with overexercising had me lose a lot of muscle that I previously had. Anyway, you can see where my worries for this training kind of arose from. Could my legs take the beating they had, time and time again? I also had put on some fat mass that made things harder on my body. So a lot of self doubt came over me.

But something shifted about 3/4s of the way through this training. I learned to eat clean, eat an athlete should. The 21 day fix helped LOADS with that.

So now I sit here, a belly FULL of butterflies thinking about how this time tomorrow I will be running my 8th marathon. I know I have the training under my fuel belt. I know I have done this before. Though I am slightly scared, I know this will all go well. Heck, maybe I will surprise myself.

I have had THE most supportive words spoken to me all week. I am truly grateful for the husband, family and friends I have been blessed and offline! Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. Though I am a ball of nerves, I will get my head into the game once I step onto my float plane in an hour. I work best under pressure anyway ;).

Though I have no goal time in place, I have my strategy ready. I am not like most marathoners.. in fact I am a total weirdo. I more often than not, negative split my races. That is the plan again for this race, but if something goes wrong.. that is okay too. I just tend to preform best with a VERY slow start, with a super fast finish. This race was to “get back into it” not to Boston Qualify. So I am hoping to hit the half way point around 2:10 or 2:15. Then start picking up from there. We will see if the plan and pacing goes according to plan!

I will be hitting up the BMO Expo in a few hours and then going for dinner at one of my favourite places with some good online friends :). Joey Bentall is one of my FAVES. Cannot wait! Hello steak and potatoes, get in my bellehhh! Then to go through my nightly ritual of compression socks, hydration and Spirit of the Marathon. BY THE WAY, if you have not seen this documentary…STOP READING AND GO WATCH NOW!! It is so inspirational and I watch it before every full marathon that I race!

Alright. Time to get my game face on. Tomorrow I shall leave my nerves at home, and leave my soul and heart out there on that race course. I am ready for you Vancouver!


PS. Butterflies just went SUPER crazy just now! eep! Also, check out that elevation for the first half ;). Sexy isn’t it!